Case Study

Restoring Janet

A Post World War II Aircraft



Aviation enthusiast, Shannan Hendricks, is restoring a one-of-a-kind and world-renowned Fairey Gannet T5 airplane to flight-ready status. The unique post-World War II aircraft, affectionately called “Janet” by Hendricks and her team, was built in 1954 as a three-crew, anti-submarine airplane for Great Britain’s Royal Navy.

A certified Hyster® lift truck dealer, Arnold Machinery Company donated a Hyster® H80FT lift truck, with an 8,000 lb. lift capacity, to safely move the aircraft’s heavy parts.


B&B Distributors needed a dependable fleet of lift trucks to ensure minimal downtime and guarantee the company’s job gets done quickly and efficiently.


Hendricks contacted Jonathan Dawley, VP of marketing for NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc. (NMHG), the parent company of Hyster, in January 2011. After discussing the scope of the project, Dawley connected Hendricks with Randy Sabatka, manager of Arnold Machinery Company in the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area.

Four months after Hendricks’ initial contact with NMHG, her team received a Hyster H80FT lift truck. The truck, donated by Arnold Machinery Company, was more than capable of moving heavy parts due to its 8,000 lb. lift capacity. In addition, the H80FT was equipped with precise fingertip controls for exact positioning and extended forks for handling disassembled pieces.


A valued and integral part of Hendricks’ team, the H80FT has moved up the aircraft’s restoration efforts. Completion is ahead of schedule.

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